CLARITY Initiative takes Pledge 1% Commitment
Clarity Initiative signs on with 1% Pledge to commit to donating a percentage of corporate profits to the benefit the underserved.
July 19th, 2021- CLARITY Initiative, a leading Montreal-based professional company has committed that 25% of profits generated from non-disadvantaged communities (individuals, corporations, NFP's) will be directed pledged to a non-for-profit fund called CLARITY Foundation. These funds will be used to subsidize (to the tune of 90%) professional coaching services to the underserved communities (namely youth, women, immigrants, persons with disabilities, black and indigenous communities).
This commitment falls in line with Clarity Initiative's previous commitment to the goals of these five United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals ('SDGs")
# 3 -Good Health and Well-Being
# 4 -Quality Education
# 5 -Gender Equality
# 10 -Reduced Inequalities
# 17- Partnership of the goals
"We are extremely excited to be making this commitment to underserved communities through the Pledge 1% Platform. Our core beliefs are that we should be doing good, more often, and this large commitment is a testament to that belief. Allowing underserved and communities access to this high-end certified professional coaching at a fraction of market price subsidized by the rest of our client base and fantastic team, is we are all about in CLARITY Initiative, creating access while leading social positive change" said Hitzel Trejo, Founder and CEO of CLARITY Initiative.
"Pledge 1% is extremely appreciative of CLARITY's Initiative generosity. With today's challenges, companies-their employees, customers and partners-are playing an even bigger part of the solution. By joining Pledge 1%, companies like CLARITY are putting a stake in the ground and showing their commitment to creating lasting positive change in their communities" added Amy Lesnick, Chief Executive Officer of Pledge 1%.
About CLARITY Initiative -
CLARITY Initiative is a Montreal-based certified professional coaching services company. Based on the values of inclusion, accountability, compassion, commitment, acceptance, confidentiality, customization, CLARITY Initiative seeks to empower people to maximize their potential through its rigorous proprietary systematic holistic TRIANGLE approach & tools.
About Pledge 1% -
Pledge 1% is a global movement that inspires, educates, and empowers every entrepreneur, company, employee to be a force of good. Over 12,000 members in 100 countries have used pledged 1%'s flexible framework to ignite half a billion dollars in new philanthropy.
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